We have been planning a girl trip since the beginning of the year and we finally made it happen. The girls were...Me, Alexis, Sunne' and Crystal. At first we had planned on going to Vegas sometime in June because that's where Crystal was living at the time. Well, none of us could get our calenders straight to get there. Then, Crystal moved to Savannah, GA. So Savannah it was, and in August. Can you say hot?? To say the least our husbands were excited that Vegas was no longer in the picture and Savannah seemed a lot cheaper and dangerous....
So we all made it to Savannah on the night of the 12th. Well, barely. Alexis and I met at the Atlanta Airport that afternoon around 2:30. We were all ready to make the car ride into Savannah. I thought maybe 3 hours or so, well it took around 4 hours to get there. By the time we arrived we were ready to party! So we picked up a few bottles of wine and headed to Crystal's place. After arriving at Crystal's we barely got a few sips of wine in and she said, "Let's go have a margarita before we have to go pick up Sunne' at the Savannah Airport." No way am I touring this down...Let's go!

We know we have to be at the Airport around 9:30 to get Sunne'. Around 9:00 we get a call saying the plane was late leaving Nashville and she missed her flight from Atlanta. Great. Now she won't get here until 10:00 or so. So we have another drink....of course. We finally pick up Sunne' around 10:30 and her bag is nowhere to be found. Awesome. Here we are hanging out at the Savannah with a pretty good buzz, but we made it fun. We finally get her luggage around midnight.
The next day we need to make up some time. We lost a whole day traveling. We decided to hit the beach! CVS was first on the list to pick up essentials...sunscreen, trash mags, beach towels (Crystal only had the one), and water. August in Savannah is really hot and muggy. The Beach was even hotter. The sand was really hot. You had to run to get to the water. We had a good time, but we only lasted an hour. Time for lunch at the Crab Shack!
The Crab Shack was totally cute. Good seafood and a cold beer sounded awesome to me. The table next to us was already knee deep in some other kind of beverage....some kind of rum punch. Alexis and I stuck to beer, but Sunne' decided to try it. It was made of Rum, rum, and more Rum with a little orange juice. Oh my, it was so strong. One drink and your wasted. So, after lunch Sunne' was so done with the day, she needed a nap.

Friday night we decide to eat Sushi and then hit the town for a night out. The Sushi was great!! It's only my favorite thing to eat. We all pick out a roll of our choice so we had a variety. After dinner we went to the Market Center which is like a downtown area, but still small and quaint. There were bars lined up and down the strip. We first head to a bar called Molly Macphersons. The place was totally cute, but NO AIR. It was too hot to stay for more than one beer, which kind of sucked because this awesome 80's band just started playing and they rocked! So on to the next place....BAR, BAR.

Sunne' and I

Sunne', Crystal and Alexis

The girls dancing
Bar, bar was so cool....I mean literally cold. This was the best place yet. We have air! We started off slowly, seeing a bookcase of boardgames, we thought let's play Scattagories, at a bar? This was really funny, especially after a few beers. After a few rounds of the game I noticed in the back a dance club. Ok ladies, time to boogie. It was still pretty early in bar world, so there weren't that many people back there. We made it our own and had a blast!
Saturday was See Savannah day and we did it up tourist style. We got on a trolley and everything. Camera and map in hand we did the whole 2 hour tour. It ended up being very interesting. Savannah is one of the oldest towns in the South. They have houses that were built in the late 1700's! It's also one of the most haunted. Which brings us to Saturday evening.

Eating brunch at B.Matthews

Just another gorgous building in Sav
We had decided after touring the Pirate House for a drink in the afternoon that we would come back and eat dinner there. There are lots of stories on the Pirate House. They say it's really haunted. There is a tunnel underneath the restaurant that Pirates use to get people really drunk and would sneak them through the tunnels into a ship and sell them later as slaves. Scary. We ate in the oldest room of the Pirate House. It was the first home built in Savannah! They say a lot of strange and unexplained things happen in this room. We took lots of video and pictures hoping to get a glimpse of a ghost. Crystal at one point thought someone tapped on her shoulder during dinner....OOOHHHH....lol. We even got a video of some sort of orb of light that none of us could explain. Maybe there was a ghost at dinner with us.

The girls at the Pirate House
I had a blast in Savannah and I can't wait to go back again....Thanks girls for an awesome trip!!