Wow, ok so, um WHERE DO I START???
I know it's been a while since my last post....I know I need to blog, but I literally have NO time to do anything else. So here's a sum-up of the last 4 months...
Presley's Birthday party was amazing. Amanda Jane Wolf, you almost broke us, but the joint party with Miss Chloe was BEAUTIFUL! The lady has got a knack for these parties. Thank you Chloe for letting us share your day! Presley loved her cake and didn't mind getting a bit messy.

Presley's stats at her 12 month well visit were:
Weight: 21.4 lbs. 55%
Nash turned 2 on October 2nd. Nash's party was yesterday at my Mom and Dad's house (thanks you guys!). The party was a Barnyard theme. Nash hasn't stopped talking about his party and all the balloons. He really was excited and loved seeing all his friends there. Thanks to all of you who made it special. Nash didn't want to go to bed that night, he was just SO happy and still bouncing off the walls. Thanks to Kylie for letting us borrow the bounce house!
Mason turned 6, yes my baby is 6. Hard to believe he is halfway through Kindergarten. Mason had his party at Strikz to do a Laser Tag party. It actually was pretty fun. They even let the parents in on the fun!

I got crazy and decided to go back to work. I know, Horrible. I'm a Horrible Mother. I do love my job. I like staying busy and making a little money of my own. I think I SUCK at staying at home with my kids. I think we are all better off this way. I'm not a crazy person, well not as crazy when I am out of the house. It really was a perfect opportunity and I took it!
Thanksgiving and Christmas was great! We all ate way too much and are paying for it now. The kids had a ball and of course got great gift from Santa! It was a good year!!

New Year's was pretty low key for us this year. Last year we did it up big and went downtown and stayed at a fancy hotel. This year my Brother, Erin, Kinley and my Parents all came over to spend the night with us. We had fun just hanging out and playing games.
So I guess that bring us up to date. I promise I will get better and make time to update the blog! Sorry people!! :)
Wow! You need a blog citation. It took 4 months for that?! Really? So much more has gone on. Do I need to blog for you? And did you have to throw in my middle name?
I think Mason is starting to look like you!
You aren't a horrible mom for going back to work. It's what keeps us sane.
But, I do agree, with Amanda, you need to blog more often : )
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