Friday, February 12, 2010

Kylie turns 9

This past Saturday the 6th was Kylie's Birthday! She has only one year left in the single digits. On Wednesday night we had our own little family birthday party here at the house. We let the kids make their own pizzas and we made her a cake! Her birthday party on Saturday was a lot of fun. Wow, there were so many kids there! She has lots of friends. Her party was at a Gymnastics place in Plano. They were all bouncing around everywhere!

The SNOW was here again, but so much more this time. We ended up getting like 9 inches when it was all said and done. I've never seen it snow that much...never. It was pretty amazing. Mason even got to make a snow angel. The snowman however, looked more like a lop-sided pyramid. I guess I didn't know how hard it is to make one?? All in all it was a pretty good week!

This was that morning.

This was at like 10:00 p.m.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I still can't believe Kylie is 9. Where did the time go? Before you know it we will be celebrating Presley and Chloe's 9th birthday. Yikes!!!!