Tuesday, January 19, 2010

So much to Post....So little time

Well the last three weeks (I know, it's been a while since my last post) have been crazy around the Belle-Isle house. We have had lots of visitors. It's been fun, but I am ready for a break of cleaning, entertaining and running around. I'm ready to live in filth and be lazy....lol.

So, three weeks ago we had Noni and Zachary here to visit. Maureen (who is Noni) is Justin's Mom. She also brought our Nephew Zachary. Zachary is just 7 months older than Mason. Mason loves it when cousin Zachary comes to visit! They have a blast together. They played Wii pretty much the whole time. That thing is great, especially if you have kids. What a great babysitter. Noni and Zachary were here for a whole week! Of course Noni made her famous meatballs (which I love) and all the kids made a train cake, which they decorated themselves. That was pretty cool. Noni even kept all four kids so Justin and I could go out on New Year's Eve. That was super nice. We stayed in downtown Dallas and had a great dinner and night. So thank you Noni!! My Mom came over and watched the kids one night so we could take Noni out to dinner to her and Justin's favorite place to eat...Nate's. She loves to come to Texas to have Crawfish and Mexican food. One night we did order in On The Border. The week came to an end and the boys were really sad about leaving each other again. My Mom even heard Zachary say, "Mason I'm leaving on an airplane in a few days, so you can just follow me in your car". So funny! We miss you guys!

The next week my Parents went to Hawaii for 8 days! Wow, 8 days. That would be nice. Anyway, they have a crazy dog named Max. Max is a Kerry Blue Terrier. Really pretty dog, but is wild and barks at the wind and anything else that moves. Well guess who got to keep him? Well, that would be us. I don't really love dogs, now that doesn't mean I hate them, but I really don't want to own one. First of all I don't need another thing I have to take care of! So, keeping him is a pretty big thing for me. Max has an issue with being boarded. He won't eat when he's there, so I kinda feel bad and offer to keep him. Plus, my parents keep our kids when we're out of town or go out for a night. Even trade, right??

On Friday, we got two more visitors. Justin's Dad, David and Step-Mom, Linda. It was really neat to see them again, so soon. I think they are a little addicted to our kids. LOL. They miss them. I think that's sweet. I love when they come to visit because we know there will be GREAT food. Linda is a phenomenal cook. Also there is always good wine. They are from California you know, so they know their wine! Honey and Pops (that is what the kids call them) left on Monday for work in Chicago. Thank you for all you did this last weekend. It was fun.

Also that weekend Justin and Kylie went to Kylie's school's Daddy Daughter dance. OMG Kylie was so excited! Linda and I took Kylie to the Sweet and Sassy hair salon for an up-do for her big dance. By the way, Sweet and Sassy should be called Loud and Crazy. We sat through about 3 birthday party's. Too much Hannah Montana will make you lose it. Anyway, Kylie and Daddy had fun at the dance. Justin said it was weird watching her dance and jump around with all her friends, it just made him realize how old she is getting and grown up acting. I can't believe she will be 9 next month.

I know this was a big post for me! Wow, that's a first. I actually had time to sit down and write this. Not really there is so much to do or I should be doing.


The Johnson Family 5 said...

Dang girl! Time to REST! haha You have been busy! BUT it all looks like fun. Kylie looked adorable all dressed up with her daddy!

Amanda said...

So that's where you've been... Ha! Kylie and Justin look so sweet together. And Justin's not old! That would make me old.