Monday, November 23, 2009

Presley stats

On the 18th of this month Presley was 2 months old. I forget how fast the infant stage goes. Wow, it seems faster every time now. She had her first shots :( I hate that part. She weighed 10 lbs 13 oz. and was in the 40% of weight. That is the biggest ever for a Belle-Isle baby! She was both 50% in head circumference and height. She is smiling all the time now. She doesn't talk too much, but I know that won't last long. Also last week at Mason's school was Fun week. Each day they got to do something different like, Monday was wacky hat day, Tuesday was crazy hair day... He couldn't wait to put that blue color in his hair, he thought he was so cool. On Friday night the whole family went out to actually went really well. Everyone behaved. Justin thinks it's so funny to give our children lemons just to see what they will do...Click here.

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