Friday, May 7, 2010

Monkey see, monkey do

It's funny what toddlers pick up from adults. You never know what actions they are going to mimic....

Nash and Mason play with our old non-working cell phones all the time. I noticed the other day that Nash was trying to put his phone down his shirt. I just started to laugh and then I remembered my Mom keeps her cell phone in her sports bra. I guess he has been watching her put her cell phone up! I told Justin to watch Nash with his phone and then Justin says, "Who puts their phone there?". I said "My Mother!" On the video you tell he gets frustrated when it won't stay in his shirt. Also on the VIDEO Presley makes a cameo doing her scooting. She's into everything now!


Erin said...

So funny!! Can't believe how big they are! my goodness it has been too long. We better hurry and make a trip down or Presley will be walking! She is really gettin' it!

Amanda said...

Ha Ha Ha!!!!! That is hilarious. Did you tell your mom?

Heather said...

That was hilarious!! He's so cute!